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Understanding Recruiter
Whenever we hear the word "recruiter", we think of someone who helps an organisation or enterprise by supplying a workforce. However, if we delve into its root meaning, this word has its origin in the Greek language, it refers to someone who aids in the growth of an organisation or an enterprise. In the modern world, an average day of a recruiter's life is a mix of creating job posts or job descriptions (JDs), organising candidate line-ups, scouring through countless CVs to find suitable candidates, and conducting phone interviews.
In contemporary India, recruiters can be broadly classified into two categories. First, those who recruit only people from the IT sector or senior profiles for international clients, and second, those who recruit field and ground-level workers for the country's growing enterprises. Although there is not much difference in the daily routine of both these categories, the first category enjoys a distinct glamour in the industry because they often talk in dollars, thanks to their international clientele! Conversely, for those in the second category, the allure just lies in the association with prominent clients, which is not easily attainable for everyone. These recruiters work for the bottom of the workforce pyramid, ensuring the recruitment for roles that are crucial for the smooth operation of companies at the ground level.
Understanding Viksit Bharat
When the honourable Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, announced the "Viksit Bharat @2047" goal last December, he also fuelled the professional growth of the second category of recruiters to the speed of a bullet train. Confused How? So, to let you know, the vision for a developed India came with a simple tagline; "Voice of the Youth".
Now, you might wonder what this has to do with a recruiter's job. To grasp this connection, one needs to understand the roadmap to making India a developed nation by 2047.
The vision of a developed India might differ for everyone, and if you don't have one, you should create one too. However, one thing is certain: achieving this goal will require millions of new factories, thousands of kilometres of new roads, schools, colleges, hospitals, fast internet access in every village, permanent livelihood for every family, and job opportunities for every youth in the country. Now, who will build all this for the country's progress? If the first answer that comes to your mind is the government, then think again. The government's role is to make policies and facilitate funding for development projects. The real driving force behind building and maintaining these developments is the youth, and it's the recruiters who will connect them with the opportunities to drive this progress.

Bharat's Job Opportunity for Bottom of the Workforce Pyramid
Understanding Recruiter's Role
In the next 25-30 years, India will be at the forefront of youth power. Today, approximately 65% of the country's population is under 35 years of age, and more than 50% is under 25. This is an immense asset for any nation, which is why the Prime Minister has termed this period as "Amrit Kaal," or the golden time.
According to a research report by McKinsey & Company, by 2030, about 70 million jobs will be available for unskilled or skill-based workforce, i.e, the bottom of the workforce pyramid.
To put this in perspective, there will be a demand for roughly 25 people every minute. At the same time, with the rapid growth of the country's workforce, approximately 40 new young individuals are ready for employment every minute. Now don't be surprised by the gap between demand and supply because if even 2 out of these 40 youths start their own businesses, around 4 more jobs are created. However, the important thing to understand is that it is the recruiters who will connect these 40 youths with those 20 opportunities and also enable selection of the right candidates.
Success Key for Recruiters
Maybe by now, you must have understood the deep connection between recruiters and Viksit Bharat. Let's also talk about a popular thing on the go: AI technology. If you think that in the future, saying "Hello ChatGPT, hire a machine technician" won't be a reality, you might end up like the characters Banraakas or Binod from TVF's series Panchayat, who almost missed out becoming the Pradhan and Up-Pradhan of the village Phulera. For recruiters to stay ahead of AI, it is essential that they continuously up skill and not commit their time and energy into the tasks that can be easily done through AI. JobsYahan is one such platform that liberates recruiters from tasks that AI can handle, allowing them to focus on contributions towards the country's progress.
JobsYahan is an unique platform designed for workers and recruiters in India, simplifying the creation of job descriptions (JDs), CVs, and candidate screening with the help of AI, making the work and world of recruiter's easier and their clients happier. JobsYahan has taken up the mission to become Bharat ka Job App and shine a light on the contributions of recruiters in developing India. Now, it's your turn!
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