JobsYahan Gyan Centre

Explaining the KRAs of Field Marketing Executives

Explaining the KRAs of Field Marketing Executives

Dreaming of becoming the CEO of a company? Start learning business, branding, customer relationship management, sales promotions, merchandising, etc. No harm in beginning your career as a Field Marketing Executive and getting some hands-on experience which will prove vital. Those interactions with clients at their doorstep, those negotiations, and winning...

Salary, Skills & Qualifications for Customer Support Officials

Salary, Skills & Qualifications for Customer Support Officials

In today’s competitive business environment, providing customers with relevant, responsive support has become more important than ever. Nowadays, customer support is emerging as a top customer consideration, a key differentiator between companies and a profit-generating unit. With the growing importance of customer support services, the demand for people who...

Skills Required for Sales Jobs

Skills Required for Sales Jobs

Selling is an essential human need. Knowingly or unknowingly, you always sell something, whether it's your idea, creativity, or other stuff. Meanwhile, sales forces constitute an abundant part of the Bharat Workforce. But now, like many other professions, the sales landscape is changing rapidly. It no longer depends...

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