Bharat ka Job App
Occupation is category of work
You can search for jobs by typing the kind of work you do or want to do. You can search for job roles like driver, technician, telecaller, delivery associate, and many more. You can also pick a job category and find jobs near your location. If you are not sure about job role you can search for job nearby.JobsYahan helps you find jobs as per your skill nearby your location.Whether you're looking for full-time, part-time, work from home or field job,we have opportunities for everyone. JobsYahan helps in finding a suitable job for all educational qualifications including 10th pass, 12th pass,or diploma holders. Start your job search today and find the perfect role for you!
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Bharat ka Job App
Occupation is category of work
You can search for jobs by typing the kind of work you do or want to do. You can search for job roles like driver, technician, telecaller, delivery associate, and many more. You can also pick a job category and find jobs near your location. If you are not sure about job role you can search for job nearby.JobsYahan helps you find jobs as per your skill nearby your location.Whether you're looking for full-time, part-time, work from home or field job,we have opportunities for everyone. JobsYahan helps in finding a suitable job for all educational qualifications including 10th pass, 12th pass,or diploma holders. Start your job search today and find the perfect role for you!
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10th Pass
1526 vacancies
12th Pass
3331 vacancies
Diploma Holder
142 vacancies
689 vacancies
7 vacancies
Aerospace & Aviation
100 Vacancies
Agriculture & Allied Sectors
24 Vacancies
Apparels, Garments, Textile & Handlooms
17 Vacancies
Art, Handicrafts & Carpets
11 Vacancies
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2/3 Wheeler Drivers and Riders
538 vacancies
Agriculture Information Management
3 vacancies
Assemblers: Electrical and Electronic Equipment
1 vacancies
Associates: Fashion and Modelling
5 vacancies
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